Sep 15Liked by Matt Choi

This is such an awesome column. Why?

1. "Kids, like cats, really enjoy sitting in boxes. Think about this next time you buy your child an expensive toy." This made me laugh.

2. "I was a childless adult wandering around a kid’s event with my phone out so I didn’t want to linger too long." This made me guffaw and spit out my coffee.

3. "Retirement Home for Playground Animals (this is a real thing)": Holy Anteater!

4. "Have any thoughts about outdoor dining in your city or here in NYC? What’s working, what’s not, what you hate, and what you love?": I'll be thinking about this, but just for the moment--outdoor dining can be a godsend for older customers who can't hear a thing inside the echo-chamber, music-blaring interiors of restaurants. Despite trucks, sirens, and street noise, you can actually hear what your restaurant companions are saying.

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I've never heard anyone point out noise before as a benefit. Thanks for mentioning it!

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RIP Queen

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"On the other hand, is it fair to enshrine certain businesses in protective amber? Even if they’re beloved?" YES! ~ A NYer who will never get over the loss of Pearl Paint, not to mention countless bookstores.

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